In article <>,
 Mark Lawrence <> wrote:

> On 02/08/2014 20:58, Ben Finney wrote:
> > Steven D'Aprano <> writes:
> >
> >> If you need instances which carry state, then object is the wrong
> >> class.
> >
> > Right. The ‘types’ module provides a SimpleNamespace class for the
> > common “bag of attributes” use case::
> >
> >      >>> import types
> >      >>> foo = types.SimpleNamespace()
> >      >>> foo.x = 3
> >      >>> foo
> >      namespace(x=3)
> >
> > <URL:>
> >
> What Alex Martelli called a bunch?
> bunch-of-named/

Still overkill :-)  I usually just do:

class Data:
my_obj = Data()

That's all you really need.  It's annoying that you can't just do:

my_obj = object()

which would be even simpler, because (for reasons I don't understand), 
you can't create new attributes on my_obj.

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