max wrote:
> David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
>>range statements, the example doesn't work.
>>Given that the beginning and ending values for the inner range
>>statement are the same, the inner range statement will never be
> Is your question about the semantics of for else blocks or about the 
> suitability of the algorithm given in the example? The for else block 
> is behaving exactly as expected...

Good question.  The question was directed at the latter, the suitability 
of algorithm for determining prime numbers.

> []
> []
> see 
> http://groups-
> 2f4?q=for+else&hl=en&
> for a good explanation of when the else part of the loop is executed. 
> Basically, whenever the loop is exited normally, which is what happens 
> when you iterate over an empty list like the one returned by 
> range(1,1)
> max

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