Am 18.08.14 18:51, schrieb Jamie Mitchell:
On Friday, August 15, 2014 4:13:26 PM UTC+1, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
So I have two 1D arrays:
1st array - ([8, 8.8,8.5,7.9,8.6 ...], dtype=float32)
It has a shape (150,)
2nd array - ([2, 2.2, 2.5, 2.3, ...],dtype=float32)
It has a shape (150,)
What I want to do is create a 2D array which merges the 1st and 2nd array so
that I would have:
([[8, 8.8,8.5,7.9,8.6 ...],[2,2,2,2,5,2.3, ...]], dtype=float32) that would
have a shape (150,150)
There is a logical error in your description. This array would not have
the shape (150,150), but (2,150).
In this form I could then plot a 2D contour.
An image with 150x150 pixels has in total 150x150=22500 pixels. You've
got only 300 datapoints. So it's very unclear what you want to do. A
"contour plot" displays lines of equal height over a two-dimensional
dataset, as in a topographic map. You don't seem to have a
two-dimensional dataset at first place; maybe you already have *contour
data*, and you just want to plot(x,y) ?