I'm running Python 2.3 on a Linux system and have lots (about 2000) 
files in pdf format to print each day.  If I just wind up and fire all 
the files at the printer at once (as 2000 separate print jobs), the 
print server throws a fit and our system admin comes down and slaps me 
around for a few minutes (which, I guess, is fair).

There does not appear to be a simple way to merge many pdf's into one.  
I could, for example, merge all of the files for a particular provider 
into one pdf for that provider and then print it (or, better 
yet...encrypt it and ship it!), but I do not see a way.

Any suggestions?  As it stands now, I'm printing sending 200 files, 
waiting until the queue is clear, then another 200, and so forth.  
Eventually we will be paperless (if for no other reason this seems 
insane to me), but what can I do in the meantime?

Thanks for your help!


Greg Lindstrom               501 975.4859 (office)
Senior Programmer            501 219-4455 (fax)
NovaSys Health               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Little Rock, Arkansas

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."  W.W.


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