Am 20.08.2014 13:17 schrieb Chris Angelico:

That's true, but how easy is it to annotate a file with each line's
author (or, at least, to figure out who wrote some particular line of
code)? It's easy enough with 'git blame' or 'hg blame', and it
wouldn't surprise me if bzr had a similar feature; but that's all the
current generation of version control systems. I don't think cvs or
svn offered that kind of feature.

$ LANG=C svn help blame
blame (praise, annotate, ann): Output the content of specified files or
URLs with revision and author information in-line.
usage: blame TARGET[@REV]...

$ cvs help
Unknown command: `help'

CVS commands are:
        add          Add a new file/directory to the repository
        admin        Administration front end for rcs
        annotate     Show last revision where each line was modified

IMHO annotate does the same what blame does on other VCS.


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