On Thu, 21 Aug 2014 21:37:22 -0400, Seymore4Head wrote:

> I want to give the computer 100 tries to guess a random number between 1
> and 100 picked by the computer.
> For the moment I am always using 37 as the random pick.  I want to
> change the pick to pick=random.randrange(1,100).  The program works as
> expected until the computer gets a correct guess.  I don't know what I
> should be doing to restart the program when pick=guess.
> It is supposed to let the computer pick a number between 1 and 100 and
> then let the computer guess the answer.  If the computer picks a low
> number the next guess is supposed to be limited to higher numbers than
> the guess.  If the computer picks a high number, the next guess is
> supposed to be limited to lower numbers than the first guess.
> The program fails when guess=pick
> import random count = 1      #Start the counter at 1 low=1           #
> the low range of 1 to 10 high=100      #The high range of 1 to 100 pick
> = 37      # Will change to pick=random.randrange(1,100)
> guess = 0     #Guess is the computer's guess at pick print ("Time to
> play a guessing game.")
> print ("")
> while count < 100:
>     guess = random.randrange(low,high)
>     print (pick, guess)
>     if guess == pick:
>         print ("correct")
> #"What I need is something here that says start over"
>     elif guess < pick:
>         low=guess+1 print ("Too low")
>     elif guess > pick:
>         high=guess-1 print ("Too high")
>     count = count +1
> (I can see where adding a 25 then 10 increment later would speed up the
> guessing)

Write the problem out in basic english terms, then translate these to the 
program. The english might look like this (laid out in a pythonic manner):

while I want to play a game:
    choose a number
    guess the answer
    tries = 1
    while guess != choice:
        guess another answer
        tries = tries + 1
    print "it took " + tries + " attempts to guess " + choice

This simplification doesn't take the calculation of ranges into account, 
but that's part of "guess the/another answer".

Denis McMahon, denismfmcma...@gmail.com

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