Am 13.09.14 13:31, schrieb Thomas Heller:
Am 13.09.2014 03:19, schrieb Grant Edwards:
On 2014-09-12, Thomas Heller <> wrote:
Am 12.09.2014 18:38, schrieb Chris Angelico:

Does Tkinter really work well with cx_Freeze?  I doubt it (from my
experiences with py2exe).

I never had any problems with Tkinter and py2exe, but you do get
a considerably larger distribution than you do with wxWindows.

That was what I meant - sorry for being unclear.  Especially you
cannot create single-file executables with py2exe, you get a directory
full with the tcl/tk files.

which is not the fault of Tcl, BTW - "starpack" technology is the Tcl way to make a single-file executable containing Tcl, Tk, scripts and any number of libraries. Unfortunately, no python interpreter can be included so far. By bridging Tcl_FileSystem with Python's VFS, this restriction could be overcome.


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