Thanks for the replies, Andreas and Peter.

Andreas Kostyrka wrote:


> Just a curious guess: Are you behind a proxy? If so, it's a known and
> never fixed bug from Python 1.5 times ;)

No, I'm not behind a proxy - the server is on the same PC as my client
(while I'm testing!).

> You might also try to use PyCurl.

I've quickly read about PyCurl, but it only seems to allow HTTP HEAD,
GET, POST and PUT methods - though please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd like to use httpLib in Python as I also need the DELETE method and
the possibility of adding some extra headers and extra methods (I'm
working on something like this :
that allows MGET, MPUT, MPOST, etc.).

I've done some more testing and still can't work out why Python
operates differently to other http clients... any ideas?





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