On Monday, 20 October 2014 18:56:05 UTC+1, Ian  wrote:
> Rather, I'm saying that where the blank line is should be the start of
> a new function. There would still be a blank line, just no longer
> inside the function.
> Now, maybe you think there should be more blank lines in the above, in
> which case we'll just have to disagree on that point.

Why did you separate the above 2 sequences of thoughts by a blank line? Is the 
inherent pause in the communication of your thoughts not also applicable to 
your code?

Where we see the pause between thoughts appears to be in a different place. I 
see them both within the function and between the functions and I assume you 
see them between the functions only.

BTW I'm more than happy to disagree. There is no right or wrong answer unless 
Guido wants to pronounce on the issue :-J

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