Hi all,
I'm trying to use Pex (http://pex.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html) to 
include requests in a little script to ping a server from a machine that 
doesn't come with pip (or much of anything, really) installed. I'm running into 
problems outputting a pex file that depends on a local script. 

I've got a command-line file, `client.py`, that can be called with a few 
command-line options. I can run `pex -r requests -o client.pex -- client.py`, 
but when I try `./client.pex -h` I get an error about "no such file or 
directory: '-h'".

Ok, next attempt: `pex -r requests -o client.pex -e client` --> "ImportError: 
No module named client". I dug around in the code a bit, and from what I can 
tell, `-e FOO` boils down to `__import__(FOO)`, which I can do, both from the 
interpreter and from a test script. So what am I missing?

The only other option I can think of would be: `pex -r requests -o client.pex` 
& then write a script that calls `client.py` from the pex environment (i.e., 
`./client.pex client.py -h` or whatever), and bundle the pex file, `client.py`, 
and the script together. But that seems like a misuse of the tool, at best.

Alternatively/additionally: is there any mailing list/help source for pex? It 
seems like a great project, but I've not been able to find many resources out 
there, which is why I'm turning to you guys.

(Why not just install pip/requests on the target machine? Because this is part 
of an effort to automate provisioning of a bunch of machines.)
(Why not use pants? Because literally all we need is requests, and that seems 
like overkill.)

(Also: anyone who's planning on chewing me out about formatting: I TRIED 
posting by email to comp.lang.pyt...@googlegroups.com, but it wouldn't let me. 
Sorry for the extra whitespace.)

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