On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:44:33 PM UTC-4, ryguy7272 wrote:
> Hey everyone, I'm trying to run this code.
> import os
> import pickle
> #import urllib2
> from urllib.request import urlopen
> #import cookielib
> import http.cookiejar
> import re
> import time
> import numpy as np
> #import pylab as pl
> # symbol - USDEUR=X - problem that the server sometimes returns 0.0
> def getSpotPrice(symbol):
>     numberOfAttempts = 0
>     while numberOfAttempts < 10:
>         url = 
> 'http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s='+symbol+'&f=l1&e=.cs'
>         fxrate_pure = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
>         fxrate = fxrate_pure.strip()
>         if fxrate != "0.00":
>             return fxrate
>         else:
>             numberOfAttempts += 1
>             time.sleep(1)
>     raise Exception("Unable to obtain market data from Yahoo! ... wrong 
> ticker???")
> # symbol = the yahoo ticker; the expected tickers of the components contain 
> alphanumerical characters or dot or hyphen; if the yahoo format changes, 
> nothing is returned
> def getConstituentsOfAnIndexFromYahoo(symbol):
>     url = 'http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cp?s=%s' % symbol
>     p = re.compile('<td class=\"yfnc_tabledata1\"><b><a 
> href=\"/q\?s=([A-Z0-9\.\-]*)\">')
>     components = []
>     pageIndex = 0
>     finished = False
>     while not finished:
>         if pageIndex == 0:
>             actualUrl = url
>         else:
>             actualUrl = url + "&c=" + str(pageIndex)
>         pageResults = p.findall(urllib2.urlopen(actualUrl).read())
>         if len(pageResults) == 0:
>             finished = True
>         else:
>             components.extend(pageResults)
>             pageIndex+=1
>     return components
> # prices = data[:,6] or prices = data[:, title.index("Adj Close")], 
> pl.num2date(data[:,1]) back dates
> # syntax 
> http://ichart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s={Yahoo.Symbol.[isin]}&a={Von.M-1}&b={Von.T}&c={Von.J}&d={Bis.M}&e={Bis.T}&f={Bis.
>  J}&g=d&y=0&z=jdsu&ignore=.csv
> def getNumpyHistoricalTimeseries(symbol,fromDate, toDate):
>     f = urllib2.urlopen('http://ichart.yahoo.com/table.csv?a='+ 
> str(fromDate.month -1) +'&c='+ str(fromDate.year) +'&b=' + str(fromDate.day) 
> + '&e='+  str(toDate.day) + '&d='+ str(toDate.month-1) +'&g=d&f=' + 
> str(toDate.year) + '&s=' + symbol + '&ignore=.csv')
>     header = f.readline().strip().split(",")
>     #return np.loadtxt(f, dtype=np.float, delimiter=",", converters={0: 
> pl.datestr2num})
> I commented out the import pylab as pl because I couldn't get the 
> matplotlib.pylab import working.  So, anyway, I hit F5, and it seems to run, 
> but it doesn't really do anything.  Isn't this either supposed to be 
> downloading data from the web, or throwing an error so I can troubleshoot, 
> and try to figure out what's going on?  It's hard to troubleshoot, when you 
> don't get any error.  Does this work for others?
> Thanks.

OK.  Thanks everyone!

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