On 10/23/2014 9:25 AM, Kevin Walzer wrote:
On 10/21/14, 1:58 AM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
I'm pleased to see that you have an answer.  In return would you please
access this list via
https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list or read and action
this https://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython to prevent us
seeing double line spacing and single line paragraphs, thanks.

And admonitions of this type should be taken to

comp.misc.propernntpformatting or

groups.google.com/propergroupsformatting. They are OT for a list devoted

to the Python programming language. I'd rather see flame wars over

indenting vs. curly braces than this kind of constant policing of folks

who come to us via Google: they greatly increase the noise I have to

filter out.

Kevin, feel free to filter out all of Mark's messages. People posting from Google groups do not know that messages look like the above after a few rounds thru gg since gg apparently corrects its own misformatting in its displays. Most people pay attention to Mark's information. I ignore those who do not and send quad- or octo-spaced messages.

I have asked on python-list-admin that the same info be sent to new gg posters automatically and privately, or that the extra blanks be filtered out, but to no avail.

Terry Jan Reedy


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