On 28Oct2014 09:07, ngangsia akumbo <ngang...@gmail.com> wrote:
This is a sample code on how to read data from a file

files1 {}

result = open("file1.txt")
for line in result:
   file1 = line>split()

print('THE FILE INFO')


Do you have a specific question to accompany this?

The code above is syntactly invalid, so it will not run.

The line:

  files1 {}

is invalid, but looks like it is intended to initialise files1 as a dictionary. However, the rest of the program seems to use it as though it were a list.

The line:

  file1 = line>split()

should probably be written:

  file1 = line.split()

With ">" it is legal (as it performs a comparison) but will fail because there's no bare "split()" function, and anyway is probably not as intended.

Your final print statements need an extra closing parenthesis each.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

I fit in my suit, my suit fits in my suitcase, hence i fit in my suitcase.
        - Cees Keyer <c...@htsa.hva.nl>

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