On Saturday, November 1, 2014 3:11:54 PM UTC+3:30, Juan Christian wrote:
> No one here uses PyCharm and Qt? =/
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Juan Christian <juan0ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It only occurs whule using PyCharm I tried it via pure terminal and 
> everything works... =/
> On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 7:45 PM, Juan Christian <juan0ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Python 3.4.2 Windows x64
> PyQt4 4.11.2 Py3.4 Qt4.8.6 (x64)
> PyCharm 3.4.1 Pro Edition
> So, PyCharm works 100% with everything here but PyQt.
> I have this folder structure:
> Disk C:
> > PyQt4
> >> Lib/site-packages/PyQt4/(tons of files here)
> > Python34 (normal/default installation)
> ---
> I tried copying the 'PyQt4' folder to my 'Python34/Lib/site-packages' folder 
> but when I try to code something Qt related on PyCharm I get this issue:
> Some skeletons failed to generate: 19 modules failed in 1 interpreter. 
> Details...
> Failed modules
> Python 3.4.2 
> PyQt4.QAxContainer
> PyQt4.Qsci
> PyQt4.QtCore
> PyQt4.QtDeclarative
> PyQt4.QtDesigner
> PyQt4.QtGui
> PyQt4.QtHelp
> PyQt4.QtMultimedia
> PyQt4.QtNetwork
> PyQt4.QtOpenGL
> PyQt4.QtScript
> PyQt4.QtScriptTools
> PyQt4.QtSql
> PyQt4.QtSvg
> PyQt4.QtTest
> PyQt4.QtWebKit
> PyQt4.QtXml
> PyQt4.QtXmlPatterns
> PyQt4.phonon
> Generation of skeletons for the modules above will be tried again when the 
> modules are updated or a new version of generator is available.
> And PyCharm tells me that my 'import PyQt4.ANYTHING_HERE import *' has 
> 'Unresolved references'.
> ---
> When I try to install the PyQt4 via the installer, in the default location 
> (C:/Python34) I get an even 'worse' error, whenever PyCharm try to update the 
> skeletons or something like that (that is, whenever I open a file there...), 
> I get tons and tons of the same error, 'Error while accessing memory at 
> address XXXX', and 'python.exe' stops working.

i have this problem too,
and it's so annoying.

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