On 2014-11-11 04:30, Jaimin Ajmeri wrote:
  <kcollins15 <at> cfl.rr.com> writes:

New B question -- Need help with win32net.NetGroupAddUser.  I used Mark
sample code to create a new user from his book Python Programming on Win32. I
then added one line to add the newuser to a group.
def CreateUserAndShare(userName, fullName):
    homeDir = "%s\\%s" % (serverName, userName)
    # Create user data in information level 3 (PyUSER_INFO_3) format.
    userData = {}
    userData['name'] = userName
    userData['full_name'] = fullName
    userData['password'] = userName
    userData['flags'] = win32netcon.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT | win32netcon.UF_SCRIPT
    userData['priv'] = win32netcon.USER_PRIV_USER
    userData['home_dir'] = homeDir
    userData['home_dir_drive'] = "P:"
    userData['primary_group_id'] = ntsecuritycon.DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_USERS
    userData['password_expired'] = 1 # User must change password next logon.

    # Create the user
    win32net.NetUserAdd(serverName, 3, userData)
    win32net.NetGroupAddUser(serverName, "Administrator", userName)

This is my error:
pywintypes.api_error: (2220, 'NetGroupAddUser', 'The group name could not be
What should I be using for the groupname parameter, I've tried them all,
Administrator, Guests, Users ext.... Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hello kcollins15,

    Just try this.....

import win32api
import win32net


Code to create user goes here



# Code to add created user to a group (on a local machine)

serverName = "\\\\" + win32api.GetComputerName()
domain = win32api.GetDomainName()
data = [{"domainandname" : domain + "\\TestUser"}]
print "Adding...."
print "Added Successfully !!"


This is working piece of code. It worked for me, I needed to add newly
created user to the group called "Users".

Just replace "Users" with "Administrator".

I'll get back soon on how and when NetGroupAddUser() should be used.

Hope it helps...!
Jaimin Ajmeri

I think you're replying to a post that's more than 10 years old!


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