"ast" <nom...@invalid.com> Wrote in message:
> "ast" <nom...@invalid.com> a écrit dans le message de 
> news:54648e75$0$12771$426a7...@news.free.fr...
>> "ast" <nom...@invalid.com> a écrit dans le message de 
>> news:54648d03$0$1981$426a7...@news.free.fr...
>>> I have the idea to run an other thread to emit the sound, but I didn't try 
>>> yet.
>>> Is it the solution ?
>> nope, still doesn't work !
>> root.after(1, mybeep)
> with:
> f = Frame(root, width=300, height=300)
> f.pack()
> f.config(bg='Yellow')
> root.after(80, mybeep)
> it works and with:
> f = Frame(root, width=300, height=300)
> f.pack()
> f.config(bg='Yellow')
> root.after(60, mybeep)
> it doesn't work
> I understand that Python takes times to create the root
> window and to color the frame. It the sound arrives
> before the end of the drawing, Python goes to the sound
> emitting,and when finished it goes back to drawing.
> This is annoying
> I would like sometuhing stable if possible

I don't use Windows, but from what I read,  winsound.Beep is a
 blocking call, and therefore must not be used in the main thread
 of a gui environment. 
Once the function is called, no events are

It seems like you need winsound.SND_ASYNC



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