Kasper Peeters wrote:
I could in principle decide to make these settings a proper
Python object, and ask the user to create one and pass it along at
every C-function call.

I would make the C functions methods of the object holding
the settings. Your nested function example would then look
something like this:

  def fun():
    cpp = Cpp()
    def fun2():
      cpp2 = Cpp(cpp)

Hence my question: how can I ask, purely on the C side, for Python to
pull objects into the local frame?

You can't.

Firstly, it's not possible to add locals to a frame that
didn't exist when the bytecode was compiled. The compiler
figures out how many locals there are, allocates them in
an array, and generates bytecodes that reference them by
their array index.

I'm not sure how you think you're adding a local from C
code. If you're using PyEval_GetLocals(), that only gives
you a dict containing a *copy* of the locals; modifying
that dict doesn't change the locals in the function's frame.

Secondly, the way references to outer scopes is implemented
is by effectively passing the referenced variables as
implicit parameters. If the bytecode of the nested function
doesn't reference a given variable in the outer function,
it doesn't get passed in. Again, this is determined when
the bytecode is compiled and can't be changed at run time.

Final note: I am actually trying to make this look as close as possible
to an older custom-built language, which didn't require passing the
settings object either, so it's kinda important to make the user feel
'at home'.

I doubt it's worth the extreme level of hackery that would
be required to make it work, though. I think it would be
better to provide a clean, pythonic API that makes the
scope of the options explicit, rather than try to mimic
another language's dubious implicit scoping features.


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