On 3 December 2014 at 08:29, Michael Kreim <mich...@perfect-kreim.de> wrote:
> What are you using to wrap C++ classes for Python?
> Can you recommend swig? Should I give it another try?
> Did I misunderstood ctypes?

The PyPy guys would love it if you used CFFI. Cython is also a
wonderful approach. There's a lot of support of Cython, but it's also
possible to find comparisons in CFFI's favour:

I've not actually used CFFI, but I've heard good things about it.

> Also later on in our code development we would like to pass python lambda
> functions to C++. So far I understood that this seems not to be possible. Do
> you have any ideas or hints on this topics?

This is definitely possible. You'll need to build C++ against CPython
and use the Python C API. I've personally found that Boost::Python
simplified this dramatically and IMHO if most of your code needs to
use Python types directly from C++ I'd scrap Cython altogether and
just use Boost.

Here's some stuff on callbacks with CFFI:

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