
Given the sample text file below (where the gibberish represent the irrelevant 
portions) :

ggfhghghgfhghgh   round 5 xccdcxcfd
sdfdffdfbcvcvbbvnghg score = 0.4533 
abcddsdfffgfg     round 5 level = 0.15
ggfhghghgfhghgh   round 10 dfsdfdcdsd
sdfdffdfbcvcvbbvnghg score = 0.4213 
sdsdaawddddsds    round 10 level = 0.13
......and so on....

I would like to extract the values for round, score and level:
5 0.4533 0.15
10 0.4213 0.13
....and so on...

Please advise me how it can be done, and what Python functions are useful.



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