Firstly, python is one of my two current focus areas, and while I still work 
with python 2.7, sort of for backward compatibility, my other focus area is web 
development, making use of PHP, javascript, jQuery, MySQL, etc.

And, I develop on windows7 64 bit machines, in conjunction with screen reader 
software - either jaws, or NVDA, if that means much...<smile>

Now, one of the current pieces of work am busy with involves sort of automating 
the process of converting some MS access databases to MySQL, and 
manipulating/rearranging the data during the conversion process.

I am implementing this using a python app, making use of wxPython to implement 
the GUI, and am using pyodbc to pull in the data structures, and read the data 
from .mdb files, and then am trying to use either pyodbc, or MySQLdb modules to 
then handle interaction with the MySQL side of things, and the MySQL database 
engine is part of the WAMP installation on my dev machine, FWIW.

Now, on my primary, desktop machine, it seems like if I implement pyodbc 
connections and cursors to handle the input data/structures from an .mdb file, 
and then write out the relevant SQL queries to text files, and then try to read 
them in, split them into separate statements, and execute them against the 
MySQL database, that part of it runs fine, but, the odd issue seems to be that 
if I did in fact first create/open a pyodbc connection object, along with it's 
relevant cursor object, and even if make sure close both of them, then on my 
one machine, after then initiating the direct MySQLdb connection object, I am 
still unable to actually close the whole app down - the main class is a sort of 
inheritor of wx.Frame, and before closing it down, I destroy both the Frame and 
all it's children, but, the main oddity is that while this works fine on my 
other laptop, on my desktop machine it always just ends up telling me 
python.exe is not responding, and would I like to force it to close?

And, it's definitely got something to do with the combination of having created 
and/or destroyed the pyodbc objects first, and then creating MySQLdb objects, 
since either half works fine by itself, but not together - on one machine 

Just wondering what can be causing this to occur on one machine, but not the 
other, relatively similar, but maybe cleaner machine, and how to try track down 
something like this?

That's also why am posting this here - trying to figure out how to track down 
what's causing this odd behaviour.


Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
...Roger Wilco wants to welcome you, to the space janitor's closet...

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