On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 2:53 AM, iMath <redstone-c...@163.com> wrote:
> After some retinking on my question ,I found what I am really want is not let 
>  any other guys using packet analyzer software know the server name (host 
> name) my software is sending data to .
> so I translate the host name to IP address format, it somewhat hides the host 
> name.
> Another question is : for common sites, is the IP address under the host name 
> hardly  changing ?

It depends entirely on the site's admins. Usually, you don't want to
do this, in case the IP changes. Plus, you run into a catch-22: if you
use the IP without ever using the host name, you depend on the server
responding with what you want in the absence of a host header
(basically, you depend on the server running just one web site), but
if that's the case, then concealing the host name is almost completely
useless, because anyone else can talk to the same server without a
host name. In fact, for big web sites, chances are the reverse DNS for
that IP will at least point to a related domain, even if not to the
exact web site you're accessing (for instance, www.wikipedia.org -> -> text-lb.ulsfo.wikimedia.org). Basically, this either
will stop you from accessing what you want, or won't conceal anything.


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