On 12/14/2014 6:15 PM, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
Ivan Evstegneev wrote:

I have stuck a bit with this example(took this one from the book).

Here are a description steps of what I've done till now:

Step 1 - creating an empty namespace:

class rec: pass

IMHO that is not actually creating a namespace; it is just
declaring/defining an empty class.

I pythonland, a namespace is a many to one mapping between names and objects. They are usually but not necessarily implemented with dicts. Some might restrict the term to a mapping with a .attribute interface for getting and setting. Others consider any string-key dict to be a namespace. The types module has a class SimpleNamespace. It has been proposed to move it to builtins with the name 'namespace'.

BTW, the recommended Python 3.x way is

class Rec (object):

I hope you meant Python *2*.x, where '(object)' *is* needed to make a newstyle class. In 3.x, '(object)' is optional and normally omitted except in code meant to run unchanged in 2 and 3.

Terry Jan Reedy


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