I released Benchmarker ver 4.0.0

Benchmarker is a small utility to benchmark your code.

*NOTICE* This release doesn't have compatibility with ver 3.x.


    $ sudo pip install Benchmarker



    from benchmarker import Benchmarker

    with Benchmarker(1000*1000, width=20) as bench:

        s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 = "Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki", "Itsuki", "Kyon"

        def _(bm):
            for _ in bm:       ## empty loop

        def _(bm):
            for _ in bm:
                s = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5

        def _(bm):
            for _ in bm:
                s = "".join((s1, s2, s3, s4, s5))

        def _(bm):
            for _ in bm:
                s = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5)

Output example::

    $ python example.py -h  # show help message.
    $ python example.py  # or python example.py -n 1000000
    ## benchmarker:         release 4.0.0 (for python)
    ## python version:      3.4.1
    ## python compiler:     GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0
    ## python platform:     Darwin-14.0.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
    ## python executable:   /usr/local/bin/python
    ## cpu model:           Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4650U CPU @ 1.70GHz
    ## parameters:          loop=1000000, cycle=1, extra=0

    ##                        real    (total    = user    + sys)
    (Empty)                 0.0335    0.0300    0.0300    0.0000
    concat                  0.4192    0.4200    0.4100    0.0100
    join                    0.3674    0.3700    0.3700    0.0000
    format                  0.4765    0.4600    0.4600    0.0000

    ## Ranking                real
    join                    0.3674  (100.0) ********************
    concat                  0.4192  ( 87.6) ******************
    format                  0.4765  ( 77.1) ***************

    ## Matrix                 real    [01]    [02]    [03]
    [01] join               0.3674   100.0   114.1   129.7
    [02] concat             0.4192    87.6   100.0   113.7
    [03] format             0.4765    77.1    88.0   100.0

Notice that empty loop times (real, user, sys and total) are
subtracted from other benchmark times automatically.
For example::

     benchmark label        real (second)
     join                   0.3674 (= 0.4009 - 0.0335)
     concat                 0.4192 (= 0.4527 - 0.0335)
     format                 0.4765 (= 0.5100 - 0.0335)

See http://pythonhosted.org/Benchmarker/ for details.

Have fun!

makoto kuwata

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