On 20/12/2014 12:57, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Taken from Ben Kurtovic's blog:


(lambda _, __, ___, ____, _____, ______, _______, ________:
         __import__(True.__class__.__name__[_] + [].__class__.__name__[__]),
         ().__class__.__eq__.__class__.__name__[:__] +
         _, (lambda _, __, ___: _(_, __, ___))(
             lambda _, __, ___:
                 chr(___ % __) + _(_, __, ___ // __) if ___ else
                 (lambda: _).func_code.co_lnotab,
             _ << ________,
             (((_____ << ____) + _) << ((___ << _____) - ___)) + (((((___ << __)
             - _) << ___) + _) << ((_____ << ____) + (_ << _))) + (((_______ <<
             __) - _) << (((((_ << ___) + _)) << ___) + (_ << _))) + (((_______
             << ___) + _) << ((_ << ______) + _)) + (((_______ << ____) - _) <<
             ((_______ << ___))) + (((_ << ____) - _) << ((((___ << __) + _) <<
             __) - _)) - (_______ << ((((___ << __) - _) << __) + _)) + (_______
             << (((((_ << ___) + _)) << __))) - ((((((_ << ___) + _)) << __) +
             _) << ((((___ << __) + _) << _))) + (((_______ << __) - _) <<
             (((((_ << ___) + _)) << _))) + (((___ << ___) + _) << ((_____ <<
             _))) + (_____ << ______) + (_ << ___)
     *(lambda _, __, ___: _(_, __, ___))(
         (lambda _, __, ___:
             [__(___[(lambda: _).func_code.co_nlocals])] +
             _(_, __, ___[(lambda _: _).func_code.co_nlocals:]) if ___ else []
         lambda _: _.func_code.co_argcount,
             lambda _: _,
             lambda _, __: _,
             lambda _, __, ___: _,
             lambda _, __, ___, ____: _,
             lambda _, __, ___, ____, _____: _,
             lambda _, __, ___, ____, _____, ______: _,
             lambda _, __, ___, ____, _____, ______, _______: _,
             lambda _, __, ___, ____, _____, ______, _______, ________: _

I am in total awe.

So am I, that sure is some gauntlet to throw into the ring.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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