"Jacob Kruger" <ja...@blindza.co.za> writes:

> Would prefer to use something free, that could work somewhat
> cross-platform, but, my primary target is for windows OS, and would
> primarily just want to be able to easily trigger playback of either
> .wav or .mp3 background sound effects, but, yes, would also be nice to
> be able to control them a little bit in terms of volume, possibly
> stereo panning as well as playback rate/frequency/pitch?
> I have used something called sound_lib, as well as another one
> relating to a sort of windows directSound effect, but, both of them
> had issues when working with either py2exe or cx_freeze when it came
> to compiling into executable, and main thing is would like to keep it
> simple...<smile>
> Suggestions?

You could try GStreamer: it is free, cross-platform, it allows you to
play media files in the background, to control volume, stereo panning
(e.g., GstAudioPanorama), to change the playback rate while preserving
pitch, it can use DirectShow on Windows, etc -- see

The downside is that it may be complex to install and use e.g., it
probably works with py2exe but it won't be simple to configure.

If you know other library that provides similar feature list while being
less complex; do tell.



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