On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 1:25 PM, ryguy7272 <ryanshu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just ran these two commands in the c-prompt:
> pip install --upgrade numpy
> pip install --upgrade pandas
> It seemed like everything was being downloaded and installed.  Seems ok.  
> Then I go back to the Python Shell and ran 'import numpy' & 'import pandas' 
> and I still get the errors that I got before.
> So, I move on to this:
> pip uninstall numpy
> pip uninstall pandas
> It says, cannon uninstall, non installed.
> Sorry, but that's what drives me nuts.  I install a few packages, and the 
> messages that I get says the package is installed...then it says it's NOT 
> installed...I don't know what to think...

Lesson #0 of computing: When a program tells you something and you
then ask for help, *copy and paste* the program's output. "It seemed
like" is the most likely source of error here. Maybe there was an
error reported, and you simply didn't recognize it... but by not
showing us the output, you force us to trust your judgment about what
it seemed like.


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