try kivy, instead of sl4a

I believe in the past year or two, the python foundation gave a grant to
kivy to add further functionality..

According to wikipedia  Guido
works for dropbox.


On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Fetchinson . <>

> Hi all,
> I was using sl4a for quite some time on android and it basically
> worked very well although some features are missing. It looks like
> sl4a is dead, although I could be wrong. Does anyone knowledgeable
> have any further info on the future of sl4a? For instance it doesn't
> work with android 5 and there doesn't seem to be any activity around
> it for the past couple of years.
> If sl4a is out, what's the preferred way of running python on android?
> Guido is still working at google, right? This makes me suspect that
> python is ought to be part of the android ecosystem but can't find
> anything else beyond sl4a.
> So what's the future proof way of writing/deploying/installing python
> programs on android?
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> --
> Psss, psss, put it down! -
> --

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