On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 3:41 AM, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> The post could be replaced by a placeholder "This message deleted'
>  and the
>> archive regenerated. That changes the counter for every message after
> A placeholder should avoid that.

I suspect (though don't know for certain) that just regenerating the
archive without touching the mbox file will change the numbering.
Steven's original post mentioned two very different basenames (468598
and 481374). As I indicated in an earlier response, those might be
generated from an ever-growing counter, not just a shift as articles
slide one closer to the first one of the month.

So, you'd have to edit the mbox file carefully (might need to edit
headers) and also edit the generated HTML for the message. Neither is
an insurmountable task, but both are going to be more error-prone than
just cutting out an entire message and regenerating the archive.

I will pass along your suggestion to the postmaster folks (I don't get
involved that that level - it's mostly the folks who directly maintain
the Postfix setup who do this), though. They are a generally pretty
responsive bunch.


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