Thanks to all and  dear Dave Angel, I got this working :)  , using
your valuable  inputs .

Here is the final program:
Throttling-1# cat
import time
import pdb
from datetime import date, time, datetime, timedelta

#'''run these on the remote commmand '''

n =
h = n.strftime("%H")
m = n.strftime("%M")
d =

#''' get the sleep_schedule_structure '''

def yield_times():
    start = datetime.combine(d, time(int(h),int(m)))
    end = datetime.combine(d, time(int(h),int(m)))
    while True:
        start += timedelta(minutes=4)
        end = start + timedelta(minutes=2)
gen = yield_times()

f = open('/tmp/sleep_sched.conf','wb')
for ii in range(10):
     a,b,c =
     res = "{0} {1} {2} \n".format(a,b,c)
     print res,



On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Ganesh Pal <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 8:42 AM, Ganesh Pal <> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Dave Angel <> wrote:
>>> No idea how that represents "a difference of 5 minutes".  So I'll take a 
>>> totally wild guess that you meant:
>>> Sunday 23:50 23:55
>>> Monday 00:00 00:05
>>> Monday 00:10 00:15
>>> Monday 00:20 00:25
>>> Monday 00:30 00:35
>>> which would have the 2nd column 5 minutes after the first.
>>> You need another datetime object, let's call it 'end'
>>> end = start + timedelta(minutes=5)
>>> and now you want to yield three things, in a tuple:
>>> yield (start.strftime("%A"), start.strftime("%H:%M"),
>>>    end.strftime("%H:%M"))
>>> Of course that's a pain to do twice, as you have two yields in that 
>>> function.  I'll leave you to reorder the loop to make that unnecessary.  
>>> Hint, do the yield first, THEN increment the start variable.
>> Thanks for the inputs , I tried doing the increments and decrements
>> first and then Yield
>>  Program:
>>   Login-1@SNAP-BOX-1 new]$ cat
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> import time
>> from datetime import date, time, datetime, timedelta
>> #h = datetime.strftime("%H")
>> #m = datetime.strftime("%M")
>> h=23
>> m=50
>> d =
>> print d
>> def yield_times():
>>     global  h,m,d
>>     start = datetime.combine(d, time(int(h),int(m)))
>>     end = datetime.combine(d, time(int(h),int(m)))
>>     while True:
>>         start += timedelta(minutes=10)
>>         end = start + timedelta(minutes=5)
>> yield(start.strftime("%A"),start.strftime("%H:%M"),end.strftime("%H:%M"))
>> gen = yield_times()
>> for i in range(10):
>>     print
>> output :
>> [Login-1@SNAP-BOX-1 new]$ python
>> 2015-01-12
>> ('Tuesday', '00:00', '00:05')
>> ('Tuesday', '00:10', '00:15')
>> ('Tuesday', '00:20', '00:25')
>> ('Tuesday', '00:30', '00:35')
>> ('Tuesday', '00:40', '00:45')
>> ('Tuesday', '00:50', '00:55')
>> ('Tuesday', '01:00', '01:05')
>> ('Tuesday', '01:10', '01:15')
>> ('Tuesday', '01:20', '01:25')
>> ('Tuesday', '01:30', '01:35')
>> PS :   Except formatting the results looks pretty much what i was
>> expecting .I was pretty much happy to see this last night :) .
>>> and in the other loop, you want
>>>     res = "{} {} {}\n".format(
>>>     print res,
>> Thanks ,  I will have to modify for the new output
>>>> (b)  how to copy the above output (i.e with the new column to a file.)
>>> Instead of printing, just do f.write(res).  Or do both. Notice that to make 
>>> this easy, i avoided doing any formatting in the print statement. I used a 
>>> trailing comma on it to avoid print adding a newline, and instead put it 
>>> explicitly in the format method call.
>> Sure
>>>> (c)  The  final output should be a file , having the entries  day ,
>>>> start , end time of the remote file. how do  i pass the  this to
>>>> yeild-times()
>>>> import time
>>>> /* Assuming I retrive the below values h,m,d from the remote machine*/
>>>> h = time.strftime("%H")
>>>> m = time.strftime("%M")
>>>> d =
>>> Those first two are strings, but the third is a datetime object.  That last 
>>> can be painful to pass between machines.
>> Correct , also looks like I have another issue , if I happen to pass
>> the first two strings
>> #  instead hard coded value i.e h = 23 and y =50 , i try using the
>> string directly I end up getting the below error :
>> h = datetime.strftime("%H")
>> m = datetime.strftime("%M")
>> [Login-1@SNAP-BOX-1 new]$ python
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 4, in <module>
>>     h = datetime.strftime("%H")
>> TypeError: descriptor 'strftime' requires a '' object but
>> received a 'str'
>> The date time object is retrieved once once from the remote machine
>> and just for building the file in the required format.
>> Do you foresee any problems using this ?
>>>> def yield_times():
>>>>        global h,m,d
>>> No idea what that's all about.  If you want to pass arguments to 
>>> yield_times(), put them inside the parens.
>> sure .
>> Regards,
>> Gpal

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