On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 9:38 AM,  <sohcahto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Secondly, even if you find a module, keep in mind that the module probably 
> won't stay in Python land.  It will probably call an external utility itself.
> If you REALLY wanted to check it without calling an external utility, you 
> could connect to port 67 and see what happens, but that could cause problems.

We're talking UDP here, so there's no "connect to" concept. You have
to send a packet and listen for a reply, and that might have
consequences (eg if you send a DHCPDISCOVER just to find out if
there's a DHCP server, you potentially cause a temporary IP

Reading from /proc or running an external program would be the best
ways to find out.


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