----- Original Message ----- > Specifically, the last two lines show:

<space> Display next page
<ret>   Display next line

which is, I suspect, what you're after here.

(If you're interested, the code for all this is in the pydoc module (Lib\pydoc.py) in the getpager() function.


Yes, that makes sense/works - wonder what changed recently in my overall configuration/setup - suppose might have something to do with screen reader's system wide interference - maybe it was passing a different effective keystroke through to command line prompt before, or something, since am 99.9% sure always just used <ret> key to advance one screen at a time before - who knows, but, main thing is, yes, space bar does what I want it to.


Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Roger Wilco wants to welcome you...to the space janitor's closet..."


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