I downloaded this code and am attempting to run it. I keep getting
indentation error. there is a way to handle it with a editor which can
recognize the tab or space issue. I have tried different options such as 2
or 3 spaces or tab to no avail.

I have encased the error mesage with line 23 between "****************"

import sys
import azure
import socket

from azure.servicebus import (

from azure.servicebus.servicebusservice import (

from azure.http import (

from azure.http.httpclient import _HTTPClient

class EventHubClient(object):
def sendMessage(self,body,partition):eventHubHost =
    httpclient = _HTTPClient(service_instance=self)
File "test1.py", line 23
    def sendMessage(self,body,partition):
IndentationError: expected an indented block
sasKeyName = "SendPolicy"
sasKeyValue = "erENqf/5wdWCNEbCA9NsDIRqd5MRKdkii07+wezl/NU="

authentication = ServiceBusSASAuthentication(sasKeyName,sasKeyValue)

request = HTTPRequest()
request.method = "POST"
request.host = eventHubHost
request.protocol_override = "https"
request.path = "/myhub/publishers/" + partition +
request.body = body

authentication.sign_request(request, httpclient)

request.headers.append(('Content-Length', str(len(request.body)))

*Syed Khalid*

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