On 11/02/2015 13:11, Rustom Mody wrote:
I am using idle for taking python classes.

Finish the class and run out usually in a hurry and forget to save the
idle interaction window. Would like to save it so that I can mail it to the 

In emacs I could set a hook to make arbitrary 'buffers' like the python-idle
shell become 'saving-buffers' like typical file buffers.
ie in emacs like most other editors, a modified file is ask-to-save
The same can be setup for other (non-file) buffers like a python interaction 

Can I do the same for idle.

[Note it would be great to have this feature in idle but I am only looking for
a hand in where in the idle sources I an fudge a patch for my own use

If there isn't an enhancement request on the bug tracker for this please raise one, that way this doesn't get lost.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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