On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 6:01 AM, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> On 2/18/2015 7:13 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> Huh. The PyPI categorization seems to exclude Python 3.4 support
> I have pip-installed 3.4 packages just fine.
>> (despite versions for both 3.4 and 3.5 existing on the sourceforge
>> page). Let's try that with 2.7, just to see what happens. (I could
>> alternatively backlevel to 3.3, I suppose.)

I know pip works with 3.4 generally; I was talking specifically about
pywin32 - if you look it up on PyPI, it doesn't mention 3.4 support.
But it does mention 2.7, which is why I then tried that.

> I would send your experience to Mark Hammond to let him know that pythonwin
> does not seem to be pip-installable.

Thanks, will do.


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