Olivier wrote:
> first i want to know what is the best and simple solution for a
> multilinguage site with plone 2?
> i want some tutorial, how to and if possible exemple

The best way to approach this is to wait a couple of days until Plone
2.1 is released, and use LinguaPlone + Plone 2.1, which should make
this very easy and transparent.

> next i need to modify the user standard information to put my personnal
> information like address, phone numbre, city, ... and i want to modify the
> search member form to find member by all information like city. if anyone
> can help me please give me a link to a faq or how to .

Most of this is detailed in the Plone Book, and it's really easy to add
in more attributes for your users if needed. The online version of the
book is here:

I would assume the plone-users mailing list is a better place to post
this than the python language newsgroup. :)

Try http://plone.org/contact#users - you can also subscribe via NNTP if
you prefer the newsgroup format.

> PS: Sorry for the english.

Your English is more than good enough. Welcome to Plone. :)


     Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway
 Consulting · Training · Development · http://www.plonesolutions.com
      Plone Co-Founder · http://plone.org · Connecting Content
  Plone Foundation · http://plone.org/foundation · Protecting Plone


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