On Sunday, February 22, 2015 at 10:12:39 AM UTC+5:30, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> wrote:
> > Dear Group,
> > 
> > I am trying to build a search engine in Python.
> How to design a search engine in Python?
> First, design a search engine.
> Then, write Python code to implement that search engine.
> > To do this, I have read tutorials and working methodologies from web and
> > books like Stanford IR book [ http://www-nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/]. I
> > know how to design a crawler, I know PostgresSql, I am fluent with
> > PageRank, TF-IDF, Zipf's law, etc. I came to know of
> > Whoosh[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Whoosh/]
> How does your search engine work? What does it do?
> You MUST be able to describe the workings of your search engine in English,
> or the natural language of your choice. Write out the steps that it must
> take, the tasks that it must perform. This is your algorithm. Without an
> algorithm, how do you expect to write code? What will the code do?
> Once you have designed your search engine algorithm, then *and only then*
> should you start to write code to implement that algorithm.
> -- 
> Steven

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your suggestion. But I was looking for a small tutorial of 
algorithm of the whole engine. I would try to check it build individual modules 
and integrate them. I was getting some in google and youtube, but I tried to 
consult you as I do not know whether they would be fine. I am trying your way, 
let me see how much I go. There are so many search algorithms in our popular 
data structure books, that is not an issue but how a search engine is getting 
done, I am thinking bit on that. 


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