On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Travis Griggs <travisgri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> * Make your language have a lot of keywords. Enough to make memorizing them 
> ALL unlikely, requiring constant visits to your documentation
> * Make sure said keywords are many of the obvious words programmers would use 
> in their applications (map, object, bytes, dir, etc)

None of those are keywords. Keywords are these:

> * Design your syntax so that you can’t disambiguate them contextually between 
> bind and reference

Maybe I misunderstand your complaint, but Python draws a sharp
syntactic distinction between references and assignment targets: the
latter are only ever found to the left of an = in an assignment
statement; the former are never found there. There is no reason why an
editor should be unable to tell the difference.

> * Be sure to use it in a late bound language where no warnings will be 
> provided about the mistake you’re making at authorship time, deferring the 
> educational experience to sundry run times

You should lint your code to get warnings about this (and many other
things) at authorship time. A good editor should also provide some
visual warning when a built-in is shadowed.

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