Rustom Mody <> writes:

> And among these people, if they are faithful to their own calling, to
> their own vocation, and to their own message from God, communication
> on the deepest level is possible. And the deepest level of
> communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless. It
> is beyond words, and it is beyond speech, and it is beyond concept.
> [… and on and on …]

That's amazing. That sounds so deep and resonant.

Like the sound of an empty water tank being thumped with a stick.

It's rare to see an empty echoing clamour distilled into a salad of
words tossed together with no regard for their meaning, quite as well as
that. Thank you.

Meanwhile, those of us who actually want to communicate will try harder
to have our utterances actually mean something, and communicate clearer
than the white noise of false profundity.

 \        “The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things |
  `\           without evidence.” —Thomas Henry Huxley, _Evolution and |
_o__)                                                    Ethics_, 1893 |
Ben Finney


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