2nd Workshop on Programming Language Evolution (PLE) 2015
(colocated with ECOOP 2015, Prague, Czech Republic)


Call for papers

Programming languages tend to evolve in response to user needs,
hardware advances, and research developments. Language evolution
artefacts may include new compilers and interpreters or new language
standards. Evolving programming languages is however challenging at
various levels. Firstly, the impact on developers can be negative. For
example, if two language versions are incompatible (e.g., Python 2 and
3) developers must choose to either co-evolve their codebase (which
may be costly) or reject the new language version (which may have
support implications). Secondly, evaluating a proposed language change
is difficult; language designers often lack the infrastructure to
assess the change. This may lead to older features remaining in future
language versions to maintain backward compatibility, increasing the
language's complexity (e.g., FORTRAN 77 to Fortran 90). Thirdly, new
language features may interact badly with existing features, leading
to unforeseen bugs and ambiguities (e.g., the addition of Java

This workshop brings together researchers and developers to
tackle the important challenges faced by programming language evolution,
to share new ideas and insights, and to advance
programming language design.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

  * Programming language and software co-evolution
  * Empirical studies and evidence-driven evolution
  * Language-version integration and interoperation
  * Historical retrospectives and experience reports
  * Tools and IDE support for source-code mining and
  * Gradual feature introductions (e.g., optional type systems)

We are accepting two kinds of submission:

 * Full papers (maximum 8 pages, ACM SIGPLAN 2 column, 9pt)
 * Talk abstracts (may include an extended abstract, upto 3 pages in ACM
SIGPLAN format).

We are proud to be supported by the
Software Sustainability Institute (http://software.ac.uk)

Submission and publication

Please submit your abstracts/papers via EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ple15).  Papers will be
subject to full peer review, and talk abstracts will be subject to
light peer-review/selection. Accepted submissions will be published in
the ACM DL. Any paper submitted must adhere to ACM SIGPLAN's
republication policy.

If you have any questions relating to the suitability of a submission
please contact the program chairs at pl...@easychair.org.

Important dates
All deadlines are 'anywhere-on-Earth'.

* Submission: Thursday 2nd April 2015
* Notification: Friday 1st May 2015
* Workshop: Tuesday 7th July 2015

Workshop format

The workshop schedule will comprise presentations given for accepted
papers, short talks, and a keynote presentation by Bjarne Stroustrup.
Depending on submissions, an afternoon discussion may be included.

Workshop organisation

Program chairs:
 * Raoul-Gabriel Urma  (raoul.u...@cl.cam.ac.uk)
 * Dominic Orchard     (d.orch...@imperial.ac.uk)

General chair:
 * Alan Mycroft

Program committee:
 * Heather Miller (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
 * Sarah Mount (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
 * Alan Mycroft (University of Cambridge, UK)
 * Dominic Orchard (co-chair) (Imperial College London, UK)
 * Jeff Overbey (Auburn University, AL, US)
 * Max Schaefer (Semmle Ltd., Oxford, UK)
 * Raoul-Gabriel Urma (co-chair) (University of Cambridge, UK)

Dr. Sarah Mount, Senior Lecturer, University of Wolverhampton
website:  http://www.snim2.org/
twitter: @snim2

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