On Fri, 06 Mar 2015 08:31:40 +0000, Mark Lawrence wrote:

> On 06/03/2015 08:00, Rustom Mody wrote:
>> On Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 10:49:54 AM UTC+5:30, Marko Rauhamaa
>> wrote:
>>> Rustom Mody:
>>>> You keep talking of accent.
>>>> At first I thought you were using the word figuratively or else
>>>> joking.
>>>> Im now beginning to wonder if you mean it literally.
>>>> If so have you patented a new AOIP protocol?
>>>> If not do you give tuitions¹ in ESP/telepathy/Voodoo? I'll be happy
>>>> to pay<wink>
>>> Where I work, people do use voice still occasionally to communicate.
>> I really dont understand what we are communicating (or not) about...
>> Can you hear my accent? I certainly cant hear yours If you are talking
>> of accent (aural/physical just to be clear) of your co-workers how is
>> that more on-topic or relevant to this list than the weather in
>> Finland.
>> [Yeah its been freakish weather out here for the last 10 days -- global
>> warming?
>> And is global warming on topic for this list?]
>> Just to be clear -- I am going to be one of the tail-enders complaining
>> about on/off-topicness.  But someone or other will complain I guess.
>> If on the other hand you are being slightly metaphorical and using
>> 'accent'
>> to talk of (say) Mark's britishisms¹ then please disambiguate for
>> better communication.
>> But more to the point its still not clear (to me) whether you are
>> objecting to - to Mark - to British accent
> British accent, Christmas is early this year so ho, ho, ho.  Nobody in
> this country ever guesses where I was born and bred, they all think I'm
> from the South West or the West Country.  Irish, Scottish, Welsh,
> English alone are different.  Most foreigners wouldn't have a dog's
> chance in hell of understanding a Geordie or a Glaswegian.  Move 50
> miles and you can hear a completely different accent.  British accent
> indeed.
Foreigner? I can barely understand a Geordie accent & I am English.
whilst I agree to a point with Marco that when talking to a forigner you 
should take care to speak clearly for them the suggestion that American 
pronunciation is what I find unacceptable.

even though I can (and do) watch American TV shows reasonably easily some 
of their pronunciations seriously grate on my nerves :-

Bouy - it is pounced Boy not bo-ey!
chasis - it has a soft Ch  not a hard Ch,
Aluminium, Heck they don't even sell it correctly ;-)

>> - to British spellings in software - to anyone/anywhere international,
>> using non-international format
>> ¹Personally I find Mark's britishisms sometimes funny eg I found this
>>   https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.lang.python/EfloMHB3DjQ/
>>   hilarious even though I could not decipher more than 70% of the
>>   british accent.
>> Sometimes though I find it irrelevant/unnecessary/undecipherable.
>> Personally I am not going to object to him nor am I going to object to
>> anyone objecting to him.
> Anybody objecting about me will be accused by me of discrimination
> against autistic people.  Now there is a not very subtle hint that might
> penetrate one or two of the thicker skins on the thicker heads that
> participate here.  Thankfully the numbers of such people are extremely
> small or we could have had WWIII.  Which could have happened when Global
> Crossing bought Racal Telecommunications and tried to stop us Brits
> using our kettles to make our cuppas.  Now that is seriously brain dead.
>   And they turned out to be a bit naughty with the books :(

"All my life I wanted to be someone; I guess I should have been more 
-- Jane Wagner

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