On 7/27/05, Tito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you both for your quick answers.
> What I wanted is to parameterize a function with another member
> function, like this:
> def printFunctionForEach(collection, functionName):
>    for elem in collection:
>      print eval("elem." + functionName + "()")
> Moreover, I wanted to do it with a property:
> def printPropertyForEach(collection, propertyName):
>    for elem in collection:
>      print eval("elem." + propertyName)
> Is there another approach to do it?

Sure, piece of cake:

>>> class test:
...     def func1(self): print 'func1 called'
>>> class test2:
...     def func1(self): print 'other func1'
>>> x = [test(), test2(), test()]
>>> def call_this_func(lst, func_name):
...     for e in lst:
...         getattr(e, func_name)()
>>> call_this_func(x, 'func1')
func1 called
other func1
func1 called

Note that the getattr raises an AttributeError if func_name doesn't
exist in the object; you should probably wrap it in a try/except.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at gmail.com

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