On Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 1:35:48 PM UTC, Rustom Mody wrote:
> This is more a question about standard terminology/conventions than about 
> semantics - of course assuming I understand :-)
> Say I have a simple yielding function:
> def foo(x):
>    yield x+1
>    yield x+2
> And I have
> g = foo(2)
> If I look at type, g's type is 'generator' whereas foo is just plain-ol 
> 'function.'
> Whereas in informal usage we say foo is a generator.
> So the question:
> What should we call foo and what should we call g?
> Same applies when foo is a 'coroutine' ie
> something having yield used in an rhs and used with '.send' from outside:
> What to call foo and what to call foo(x)?

Try the glossary https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html

If this comes out badly please free to shout as I'm on gg :)

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