On 2015-03-15 07:26, Dave Farrance wrote:
Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

http://pyfound.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/bbc-launches-microbit.html may be
of interest to some of you.

"Python is one of the three languages that work with the device."

That's cool, and the article says that the Raspberry Pi Foundation is
involved in creating learning content for it, which I presume would
emphasise Python, given that Python was the RPi Foundation's first choice
for controlling the Pi. The RPi has helped to raise the profile of Python,
so hopefully this new device will add to that.

I wonder what the other two languages are?  I'd guess a C++ subset for
one, like the Arduino.  Not sure about the other.  HTML/Javascript is
becoming popular in education because it's the easiest way put shapes and
animation on the screen, but I don't think it's suited to an embedded

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31834927 says:

"""When it launches in September it will be compatible with three
coding languages - Touch Develop, Python and C++."""


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