Scott Kilpatrick wrote:
> So wherever pycdf does a:
> from Numeric import *
> what is the equivalent for SciPy? i.e. where is the full Numeric module
> in SciPy?

Python packages are in a pretty flat hierarchy. There really isn't a 
"SciPy Numeric" and a "pycdf Numeric" - Numeric, as an independant 
module, installs to pretty much the same location regardless of what 
module has it as a dependancy. So "from Numeric import *" isn't 
importing Numeric as a subpackage of pycdf, it is importing it from the 
top level global package namespace.

That was a long way of saying that "from Numeric import *" in pycdf is 
exactly the same as "from Numeric import *" in SciPy.

Note that the local/global import issue is subject to a 
clarification/alteration in the near future - but for now we have to 
live with a little ambiguity.

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