On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 10:24:59 PM UTC+8, Ian wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 12:20 AM, Rustom Mody <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 10:51:11 AM UTC+5:30, Ian wrote:
> >> Iteration in log space. On my desktop, this calculates fib(1000) in
> >> about 9 us, fib(100000) in about 5 ms, and fib(10000000) in about 7
> >> seconds.
> >>
> >> def fib(n):
> >>     assert n >= 0
> >>     if n == 0:
> >>         return 0
> >>
> >>     a = b = x = 1
> >>     c = y = 0
> >>     n -= 1
> >>
> >>     while True:
> >>         n, r = divmod(n, 2)
> >>         if r == 1:
> >>             x, y = x*a + y*b, x*b + y*c
> >>         if n == 0:
> >>             return x
> >>         b, c = a*b + b*c, b*b + c*c
> >>         a = b + c
> >
> > This is rather arcane!
> > What are the identities used above?
> It's essentially the same matrix recurrence that Gregory Ewing's
> solution uses, but without using numpy (which doesn't support
> arbitrary precision AFAIK) and with a couple of optimizations.
> The Fibonacci recurrence can be expressed using linear algebra as:
> F_1 = [ 1 0 ]
> T = [ 1 1 ]
>     [ 1 0 ]
> F_(n+1) = F_n * T
> I.e., given that F_n is a vector containing fib(n) and fib(n-1),
> multiplying by the transition matrix T results in a new vector
> containing fib(n+1) and fib(n). Therefore:
> F_n = F_1 * T ** (n-1)
> The code above evaluates this expression by multiplying F_1 by powers
> of two of T until n-1 is reached. x and y are the two elements of the
> result vector, which at the end of the loop are fib(n) and fib(n-1).
> a, b, and c are the three elements of the (symmetric) transition
> matrix T ** p, where p is the current power of two.
> The last two lines of the loop updating a, b, and c could equivalently
> be written as:
> a, b, c = a*a + b*b, a*b + b*c, b*b + c*c
> A little bit of algebra shows that if a = b + c before the assignment,
> the equality is maintained after the assignment (in fact the elements
> of T ** n are fib(n+1), fib(n), and fib(n-1)), so the two
> multiplications needed to update a can be optimized away in favor of a
> single addition.

Well, solving a  homogeneous difference equation of 2 degrees 
and generating the solution sequence 
for a particular one like the Finbnaci series is a good programming practice.

A more general programming practice 
is to generate the solution series 
of an arbitrary   homogeneous 
difference euqation of integer coefficients when a real or complex solution 
does exist.


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