On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 7:58:11 PM UTC-4, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> You might be used to dealing with other people in other newsgroups. 
> This is the Python main mailing list/newsgroup.  There is a rather more 
> civilised way of doing things around here. 

What arrogance,  So you think you are special.  I see the same busybodies here 
as in other newsgroups.  Same shit.  Why don't you write some Python instead of 
minding my business?  

 As for ignoring you, why 
> don't you simply stop posting, then we won't have to?
> e

We? Is that the royal we or you speak for some group?  

You won't have to?  Hilarious!  

I've heard of the tail wagging the dog, but the knee jerking the jerk is quite 
an admission you just made.  

There is a good reason why I posted two test messages, but I don't owe you that 
explanation, so you will have to put up with that uncontrollable knee jerk for 
as long as I post spitballs at you, minus any explanation.  Feel free to mind 
your business. 

> -- 
> My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
> what you can do for our language.
> Mark Lawrence


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