On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 3:43:38 PM UTC-4, Gregg Dotoli wrote:
> This basic script will help to find 
> evidence of CryptoWall on a slave drive. Although it is
> just a string, more complex regex patterns can be 
> replaced with the string. It is incredible how fast Python is and
> how easy it has helped in quickly assessing a pool of slave drives.
> I'm improving it as we speak.
> Thanks for your help and patience. I'm new with Python.
> import os
> import re
> # From the Root
> topdir = "."
> # Regex Pattern
> pattern="DECRYPT_I"
> regexp=re.compile(pattern)
> for dirpath,dirnames, files in os.walk(topdir):
>     for name in files:
>             result=regexp.search(name)
>             print(os.path.join(dirpath,name))
>             print (result)
> Gregg Dotoli

I posted this because I thought it may be of help to others. This does grep 
through all the files and is very fast because the regex is compiled in Python 
, rather than sitting in some directory as an external command.
That is where the optimization comes in.

Let's close this thread.


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