Grant Edwards <invalid@invalid.invalid>:

> That sounds rather Windowsesque. The more-or-less standard way to do
> handle the situation on Unix is to reread the config file when you get

That, indeed, is the classic Unix way. However, Linux has now moved to


       Commands to execute to trigger a configuration reload in the
       service. This argument takes multiple command lines, following
       the same scheme as described for ExecStart= above. Use of this
       setting is optional. Specifier and environment variable
       substitution is supported here following the same scheme as for

       One additional, special environment variable is set: if known,
       $MAINPID is set to the main process of the daemon, and may be
       used for command lines like the following:

       /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

       Note however that reloading a daemon by sending a signal (as with
       the example line above) is usually not a good choice, because
       this is an asynchronous operation and hence not suitable to order
       reloads of multiple services against each other. It is strongly
       recommended to set ExecReload= to a command that not only
       triggers a configuration reload of the daemon, but also
       synchronously waits for it to complete.



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