
lately I was playing with elixir [1] and I found Mix [2], elixir's
"build/task tool", to be amazing. Creating new projects, compiling,
installing dependencies, running and testing -- really easy! For what
I'm concerned mix convinced me just for the "mix new projectname"

* creating README.md
* creating .gitignore
* creating mix.exs
* creating config
* creating config/config.exs
* creating lib
* creating lib/kv.ex
* creating test
* creating test/test_helper.exs
* creating test/kv_test.exs

It creates a reasonable skeleton which is the base for all the other
mix commands.
Yes, yes, there are skeleton generators for python, lots and lots of
blog posts that describe the ideal project layout, setup.py for
installing and testing, also lots and lots of blog posts about this...
You can do all of the tasks with python. Mix just seems to be more

Sorry, for the little rant! Mix just made me reevaluate my python
workflow again and I think there is room for improvement [4]. So what
is you take on it? What is your workflow? Do you have any tips?


[1] http://elixir-lang.org/
[2] http://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/mix-otp/introduction-to-mix.html
[3] http://elixir-lang.org/docs/v1.0/mix/
[4] I'm not really sorry for the rant. Getting a fresh perspective, a
different point of view, is probably the main reason why one picks up
new languages....and it worked this time :)

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