On 03/29/2015 04:20 AM, Robert Kern wrote:
> On 2015-03-25 15:45, π wrote:
>> Hello Python people,
>> I've made a C++ wrapper for Python.
>> I've called it PiCxx and put it up here: https://github.com/p-i-/PiCxx
> Please consider using a recognized open source license. Your project looks 
> interesting, but I won't touch it with the current license.
> http://opensource.org/licenses

I definitely would not consider sending a pull request with a license
like that.

Furthermore, a proper source-code license protects your ability to make
money on commercial use of your code in the future, depending on what
license you choose.  And you can license your code under multiple
licenses if you choose. And as long as you own the copyright
exclusively, you can change or add licenses at any time.  Looks like you
have contributions from one other person, so you'll need to get his
permission to relicense, or else remove his commit.

Most developers seem to think of source code licensing as an
afterthought (some don't list any license at all on github, so
technically everyone who clones their repo is violating copyright).  It
need not be complicated or hard, but deserves a bit of thought.  And, as
I said, if you own the exclusive copyright you can change up the license
at will.  But start somewhere.

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